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Type of Law

100% Smoke-free Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places. All enclosed public places and indoor and outdoor places of employment including all private and semi-private rooms in nursing homes, all hotel and motel guest rooms, facilities and vehicles owned or operated by the city, outdoor shopping malls, outdoor recreational areas and parking lots, outdoor arenas and stadiums; playgrounds, public events, public transportation, and within 25 feet of public entrances and 15 feet of private entrances. E-cigarettes and hookah included.

Where smoking is not prohibited

Private residences, except when used as childcare, adult day care or health care facility; all private clubs; designated smoking sections in outdoor seating areas at least 15 feet away from serving areas of restaurants and bars.


  • 11/14/2019 - Implementation of Amended Ordinance
  • 10/15/2019 - First Reading of Amended Ordinance to Change Outdoor Restrictions
  • 01/01/2019 - Implementation Date
  • 09/18/2018 - Ordinance Enactment Date
  • 08/07/2018 - First Reading

Link to Ordinance