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__________________  AND  ___________________ COUNTY, KENTUCKY


WHEREAS, secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States, with an estimated 7,333 nonsmokers dying from lung cancer and over 33,951 nonsmokers from heart disease in 20061,2;  as well as 8,000 nonsmokers dying from strokes annually1; and

WHEREAS, secondhand smoke contains hundreds of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals3; and

WHEREAS, The Surgeon General concludes that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer (20-30% increased risk); heart disease (25-30% increase); as well as stroke (20-30% increase) in adults1. In addition, the following health effects are associated with SHS exposure3: sudden infant death syndrome and low birth weight; middle ear problems, respiratory symptoms, and asthma in children; and

WHEREAS, Secondhand smoke exposure in U.S. bars and restaurants leads to 1,420 new cases of asthma among nonsmoking servers each year4; and

WHEREAS, Approximately 42,000 deaths were attributable to secondhand smoke exposure in the U.S. in 20062; and

WHEREAS, Multiple studies have linked comprehensive smoke-free workplace and public places legislation to significant declines in hospital admissions for heart attacks in the general population (a projected decline of 15% for fewer heart attacks5 in ___________ County based on 2012 hospital data)6; and

WHEREAS, Studies indicate that individuals living in communities with comprehensive smoke-free policies are 22% less likely to be hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) compared to their peers in communities with moderate-weak smoke-free laws or no law7; and

WHEREAS, Studies show levels of toxic secondhand smoke in restaurants and bars are 1.6 to 6 times higher than in office workplaces, and waiters and waitresses have an increased risk of developing lung cancer and heart disease compared to other occupations3,8; and

WHEREAS, Studies have shown that smoking e-cigarettes releases toxic pollution into the air, including propylene glycol which may damage the central nervous system, propylene oxide which causes cancer, and acrolein which can cause respiratory tract irritation9; and

WHEREAS, Secondhand smoke exposure cannot be eliminated by ventilation, air cleaning, or simply separating smokers from nonsmokers3; and

WHEREAS, __________ and _____________ County workers and patrons are exposed to secondhand smoke at restaurants, bars, entertainment establishments, and workplaces; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that  _____________, endorse the establishment of a smoke-free workplace policy in _______________ and in __________________  County to prevent exposure in such places.


________________________________                       _______________________
              (President/Chair)                                                 Date




  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The health consequences of smoking--50 years of progress: A report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health;2014.
  2. Max W, Sung HY, Shi Y. Deaths from secondhand smoke exposure in the United States: economic implications. Am J Public Health. Nov 2012;102(11):2173-2180.
  3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: A report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease and Prevention and Promotion, Office of Smoking and Health;2006.
  4. Liu R, Bohac DL, Gundel LA, Hewett MJ, Apte MG, Hammond SK. Assessment of risk for asthma initiation and cancer and heart disease deaths among patrons and servers due to secondhand smoke exposure in restaurants and bars. Tob Control. Jul 2014;23(4):332-338.
  5. Tan CE, Glantz SA. Association between smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases: a meta-analysis. Circulation. Oct 30 2012;126(18):2177-2183.
  6. Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy. Heart attack reduction projections by county 2013. Accessed July 29, 2014.
  7. Hahn EJ, Rayens MK, Adkins S, Simpson N, Frazier S, Mannino DM. Fewer hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in communities with smoke-free public policies. Am J Public Health. Jun 2014;104(6):1059-1065.
  8. Siegel M, Skeer M. Exposure to secondhand smoke and excess lung cancer mortality risk among workers in the "5 B's": bars, bowling alleys, billiard halls, betting establishments, and bingo parlours. Tobacco Control. 2003;12:333-338.
  9. Grana R, Benowitz N, Glantz SA. E-cigarettes: A scientific review. Circulation. May 13 2014;129(19):1972-1986.